Timeframe: 2023
Technologies used: Minetest
License: N/A
mtPlace was a canvas 512x512 pixels in size, with 24 colours at your disposal.
It was inspired by the Reddit r/place social experiments that took place during 2017 and 2022, and is a collaborative canvas hosted as a Minetest server. You would paint the canvas by placing nodes on it within Minetest, and it shows up in the map on the website that updated every 5 minutes.
It has been featured in the Minetest Blog and dozens of players have left their mark on the server, creating a diverse landscape of everything from the players' favourite FOSS project logos, to a pride flag that they identify with.
The Minetest server was shut down on 2023-06-11 after running for approximately four months. The final screenshot of the canvas as it looked like then can be seen on the website.